December Calendar - Nonviolent Communication - Standing with the Earth
This is a call.
Not a call for arms.
A call to stand.
To stand with the Earth.
Lucia Renee
Standing with the Earth is a call to collectively pause from action, to stand in silence, listen to and connect with the Earth, humbly acknowledging and deeply sensing our interbeing – a starting point for any measure taken to meet the urgent problems of our time.
31 Nonviolent Communication trainers, peace workers, activists etc. made an impulse (video or text) about the topic "We and the Earth".
We invite you to join us in December. To read the impulses and to stand together with the Earth.
Get every day in December an impulse (video or text from 31 authors) and join "Standing with the Earth".
It's free!
Who will be there this year ....
Kelly Bryson
NVC trainer, USA
Mary Mackenzie
NVC trainer, USA
Samuel Odhiambo
NVC trainer, Kenya
Liv Larsson
NVC trainer, Sweden
Robert Gonzales
NVC trainer, USA
Sarah Peyton
NVC trainer, USA
Frank Fiess
Peace worker, Germany
Dian Killian
NVC trainer, USA
Robert Krzisnik
NVC trainer, Slovenia
Erika Maizi
Author, Kasakhstan
Meshack Wachianga
NVC trainer, Kenya
Irmtraud Kauschat
NVC trainer, Germany
Joachim Berggren
NVC trainer, Sweden
Ivona Erdeljac
NVC trainer, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Standing with the earth initiators, Germany
Christopher Gottwald, initiator, Germany
Diane Lüning
initiator, Germany
Karen Nimrich
team, Germany
Bridget Belgrave
NVC trainer,
United Kingdom
Christlin Rajendram
NVC trainer,
Sri Lanka
Eva Ebenhöh
NVC trainer, XR,
Jürgen Engel + Iris Bawidamann, NVC trainer, Germany
Since 2015 we make the NVC Advent calendar in Germany. This year we are changing the Nonviolent Communication Advent Calendar. It will be available worldwide (and in German and English). Since Advent is not celebrated worldwide, it is called "December Calendar". We are looking forward to you!
We invite you to "Stand with the Earth". "Standing with the Earth" is a call to pause and reflect together in times of deep crisis and helplessness. We invite you to join us in December. We all - readers, authors and initiators / makers of this website - stand with the Earth. We stand from 5.00 to 5.10 pm (CET). We have chosen the time so that it is possible that we all stand at the same time worldwide. We feel (again) that we are completely alive and connected. Read more here: (that is the side of the "Standing with the Earth" initiators)
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