Standing with the Earth – 31 days 

Standing with the Earth is a call to collectively pause from action, to stand in silence, to listen to and connect with the earth. In December we stand daily from 5.00 pm to 5.10 pm (CET). Join us!

Read more at the bottom.

Mit der Erde stehen - 31 Tage

Mit der Erde zu stehen ist ein Aufruf, gemeinsam inne zu halten, in Stille zu stehen, die Verbindung zur Erde zu fühlen. Im Dezember stehen wir täglich von 17.00 - 17.10 Uhr (MEZ / CET). Mach mit!

Mehr dazu ganz unten.

​​Diane Lüning (Germany)

​Be the change

Hey, I'm Diane and I'm the initiator of the "Standing with the earth" calendar. People from all over the world sent us texts and videos, and I want to thank all of you first. I am totally happy about it. 

When I think about the fact that in December several hundred or thousand people stand together with the earth, then I am very touched and I know that's one of the things that will be really powerful.

When I "stand with the earth," I'm connected and supported. I feel accepted as I am, with all my corners and edges and embarrassing and inadequate sides. Unconditionally. And I don't have to do anything for it. At the same time there is a lot of support, my food, my clothes, all this comes from the earth. It's great to be aware of it.

I like very much the idea that we all came into the world to give something. We all have gifts, each of us. It's nonsense to look at the gifts that the others have. I've got my own ones. You too. Now it's about bringing them into the world. I want to encourage you to bring your gifts into the world. In your own way, just the way that's right for you. If you're thinking now: "I'm too small, I can't do that...“, then look what this part of you needs. Don't push it away. Maybe this part needs more security or confidence? That the things you do will really work? What is this about? What are the needs? Then you can find ways that work well for the needs of both sides.

My encouragement is: Just do it, in your own way - be the change you wish to see in this world.

Diane Lüning
​is the founder of Muutos e.V., initiator of the "Standing with the Earth" calendar and ​she gives seminars and presentations about conscious connection, NVC and more.

Bring Lebendigkeit in die Welt

Hier kannst Du unseren Gewaltfreie Kommunikation online Kurs + das E-Book dazu kaufen.

Mit dem Kauf unterstützt Du den Adventskalender und kostenlose GFK - Lernmaterialien (auch für Indien, Afrika etc.).

7 Wochen Gewaltfreie Kommunikation lernen oder vertiefen oder zum "Dran bleiben". Mit Spiel, Spaß und in Gemeinschaft.

The world needs people who are alive!

Bring liveliness into the world - take part in the Nonviolent Communication online video course.

Learning or deepening Nonviolent Communication or "staying tuned". With games, fun and community.

With the purchase you support the Advent calendar and free NVC - learning materials (also for India, Africa etc.).

Hast Du Lust auf ...

Seminare + Playshops

Mitmachen + Teilgeber*in werden

GFK Summer Festival (in Deutschland)

Would you like to receive the "Standing with the Earth" calendar by mail? Click here:

Möchtest Du den "mit der Erde stehen" Kalender per Mail bekommen? Dann klick hier:

Standing with the Earth

We invite you to join us in December. We all - readers, authors and initiators / makers of this site - stand with the earth.

Everyone at the place where they are. Maybe you want to be at home, maybe you want to go into nature. We stand from 5.00 to 5.10 pm (CET). ​

We have chosen the time so that it is possible that we all stand at the same time worldwide.

We feel (again) that we are fully alive and connected. Everyone in his or her own way. You choose how you "Stand with the earth". There is no "right" or "wrong". Trust yourself.

For more look here:


Mit der Erde stehen

Wir laden dich ein, dich uns im Dezember anzuschließen. Wir alle - Leser*innen, Autor*innen und Macher*innen dieser Website - stehen mit der Erde.
Alle an dem Ort, an dem sie gerade sind. Vielleicht willst du zu Hause sein, vielleicht willst du in die Natur gehen. Wir stehen von 17.00 Uhr bis 17.10 Uhr MEZ. Wir haben die Zeit so gewählt, dass es möglich ist, dass wir alle weltweit zur gleichen Zeit stehen.
Wir fühlen (wieder), dass wir lebendig und verbunden sind. Jeder auf seine eigene Art und Weise. Es gibt kein "richtig" oder "falsch". Vertraue dir selbst.

Mehr findest Du hier: ​

Diane Lüning



 "Standing with the Earth"

Christopher Gottwald


Sofia Mindel

project management

Karen Nimrich

social media